Statins are overprescribed in the US. We take 70% of the World’s medications and have the lowest life expectancy. I had a patient and the doctor wanted to prescribe her 9yo son a statin. This child had no health conditions, was not overweight and no risks that would warrant a prescription of statins. The pharmaceutical industry makes billions each year because drugs are over prescribed. Here’s some information to consider when contemplating taking statins. The first thing to do is take Co-Q10, because of skeletal muscle side effects that are associated with statin use, which involves muscle cramping, soreness, fatigue, weakness, and, in rare cases, rapid muscle breakdown that can lead to death( rhabdomyolysis). The heart is a muscle and to avoid breaking down that muscle, consider Co-Q10. Contact our Phoenix AZ chiropractic clinic to learn more.
Side Effects In Phoenix AZ
Other side effects have been associated with all commonly used statins. According to a 2019 PubMed study titled Statin-Associated Cardiomyopathy Responds to Statin Withdrawal and Administration of Coenzyme Q10, discussed how patients receiving long-term statin therapy may develop statin-associated cardiomyopathy. Statin-associated cardiomyopathy may be a contributing factor to the current increasing prevalence of heart failure. Heart failure is rapidly increasing in incidence and is often present in patients receiving long-term statin therapy.
Found In Studies
A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, showed there may be an increased risk of type 2 Diabetes from taking statins long term. Also, in 2019 the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) published an observational study suggesting people with diabetes who use statins experience a greater rate of diabetes progression than those who don’t use the drugs. Their retrospective study of US patients in the Veterans Affairs health system included 83, 022 pairs of statin users and active comparators who used a histamine-2 receptor blocker or proton pump inhibitor but not statins. The diabetes progression composite outcome included new insulin initiation, increased in the number of glucose-lowering medications prescribed.
There was a controversy in the United Kingdom that started in 2013 when the British Medical Journal (BMJ) claimed statins were being overprescribed to people with low risk of heart disease, and that the drugs’ side effects were worse than previously thought.
A Ohio State University study found that those who were prescribed cholesterol-lowering statins had at least double the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The detailed analysis of health records and other data from patients in a private insurance plan in the Midwest provides a real-world picture of how efforts to reduce heart disease may be contributing to another major medical concern, said Victoria Zigmont, who led the study as a graduate student in public health at The Ohio State University. The researchers found statin users had more than double the risk of a diabetes diagnosis compared to those who didn’t take the drugs. Those who took the cholesterol-lowering drugs for more than two years had more than three times the risk of diabetes.
We do not have a healthcare system, we have a disease management system, driven by drug makers and lobbyists. Whenever the doctor prescribes a medication, ask them the risks and benefits, research it and the side effects and see if there may be other options.
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