Chiropractic Care
We specialize in correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.

Corrective Exercises
Corrective exercises are the use of bodily movements and/or postures to restore desirable changes in diseased or injured tissues. The corrective exercises are movement strategies that minimize or eliminate compensation. Corrective exercises should precede more integrated exercises, because they can cue the patient’s motor system to respond in a more desirable way and assist in removing or improving biomechanical constraints.

Nutritional Consultations
Here at Imagine Wellness Chiropractic we want to help you on your journey towards health and wellness. Our goal is to help you achieve total health and balance with your body. In order to achieve that goal, we are here to offer specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to help you maintain a healthy weight.

Pediatric Chiropractic
Chiropractic care is not just for adults. In fact, more and more parents are seeing the many benefits of their children seeing a chiropractor every single day. Some of the benefits are improved sleep, improved behavior and attitude, and improved immune system function. Children encounter many physical stresses in their life that you may not realize. These stresses can cause your child’s spine to have issues in growth and development.

Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic
Here at Imagine Wellness Chiropractic, we offer a conservative approach to treating pregnant women. Our prenatal care is gentle and safe. We aim to alleviate the stress and strains of pregnancy while improving comfort for both the mother and baby. We understand the physical changes that come with pregnancy, and we offer relief without using any drugs.

Disc Injury
Our Phoenix AZ chiropractor, Dr. Roxane Zamora, has had years of experience in chiropractic care. Herniated discs are extremely common amongst her patients complaining of neck, back or leg pain. Are your symptoms a sign of a herniated disc?
You may have heard of the term “slipped disc” before, however “slipped” is a bit inaccurate. Vertebral discs–soft gel-filled structures that are sandwiched between the small bones in your spine–do not actually “slip” out of place. Rather, the inner fluid of the disc, called the nucleus, sometimes leaks out through a tear in the tougher, cartilaginous outer layer of the disc, called the annulus.
A somewhat strange way to understand a disc herniation is to imagine a jelly donut. When enough pressure is applied to the jelly donut, some of the jelly will squeeze out. Alternatively, it’s possible to squeeze a jelly donut just enough so that the jelly inside will distort and bulge out of place, yet not break through the doughy outer layer. This is analogous to a “bulging disc.” The terms bulging disc and herniated disc are often used interchangeably, but again this is not completely accurate.
When a spinal disc’s inner fluid leaks out through its outer layer, as in the case of disc herniation, nearby structures including, ligaments and nerves, can become compressed, irritated, and inflamed. This can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including:
Low back pain that may radiate across the hips and into the buttocks
Pain, numbness, tingling, or even weakness in one or both legs
The severity and type of symptoms of a herniated disc can vary significantly. Sometimes a disc herniation causes no symptoms at all. In rare and severe cases, a disc herniation can lead to a medical emergency known as cauda equina syndrome which has symptoms including numbness in the “saddle” area–groin and buttocks–severe low back pain, and sudden onset of sexual dysfunction and/or bowel and bladder incontinence.
Potential causes of disc herniation include anything which affects the strength, resiliency, and overall health of a vertebral disc, including:
- Misaligned spinal bones
- Injury or trauma
- Poor body mechanics and/or poor posture
- Poor nutrition
- Smoking
- Lack of regular exercise
If you believe you may be experiencing pain and dysfunction related to a disc herniation, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. If left untreated, a herniated disc can lead to degenerative disc disease, so early intervention is key for resolving symptoms and preventing future dysfunction.
Chiropractic care is very effective for healing herniated discs, providing pain relief, and preventing recurring lower back injury. Specific techniques include spinal decompression, chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, corrective exercises, and lifestyle counseling.
Are You Looking for Pain Relief From Your Lower Back Injury? See Our Chiropractor in Phoenix For Disc Herniation Treatment Today
At Imagine Wellness Chiropractic Centers, our Phoenix chiropractor, Dr. Roxane Zamora believes that every Arizonan deserves a pain-free, optimally healthy life. If you’re searching for drug-free, all-natural, non-invasive, and holistic healing that starts from within, then call our chiropractor in Phoenix today to schedule your FREE initial consultation.
If you’re suffering from a disc injury in call our team at Imagine Wellness Chiropractic Center today. We are here to help.

Auto Injuries
Even a “minor” crash can result in serious injuries like ligament sprains. This can lead to chronic pain and disability if not treated properly. In fact, research shows that early treatment is the best way to prevent long-term symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments are effective because they help restore the healthy, normal function of your nervous system without the use of drugs or surgery.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, one of the most common causes of neck pain is whiplash resulting from a car accident. A sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction and the resulting “rebound” in the opposite direction is known as whiplash. The sudden “whipping” motion injures the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in pain and stiffness. Severe whiplash can also be associated with injury to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerve roots.